Architecting and designing > XML integration with other methods > Data model to XML transformations > XML to data model transformations > Creating new entity relation diagrams from existing XML diagrams
Creating new entity relation diagrams from existing XML diagrams
XML to logical data model transformation is supported at the diagram level only. An XML diagram must be open. Entities are created with their attributes. See Transforming XML elements.
1 From the Dictionary menu, select Convert to Entity Relation Diagram.
2 Enter a name for the new entity relation diagram. Select Transfer All Symbols to convert the entire diagram, or Transfer Selected Symbols to convert only those symbols that you have pre-selected on your XML diagram.
3 Click OK.
4 A dialog appears prompting you to assign the new ER Diagram to a Project Data Model.
Assigning the diagram to a project data model
Each ER diagram must either be a model diagram or a subject area diagram assigned to a project model. If you do not specify a model name, you are not permitted to start a new diagram.
1 Use the Diagram Status field to select whether the diagram is a subject area (part of a model) or a model diagram (aggregate of all subject area diagrams of the model).
2 Use the Model - (Project Data Model) field to specify what project model the new diagram belongs to.
To assign the new diagram to an existing model, click Choices, and then drag the model name from the Select and Drag list into the Model field.
To specify a new project model for the diagram, enter a name for the new project model into the Model field. A new project model definition is automatically generated.
3 Select a DBMS type.
4 Click OK to close the dialog and create the diagram.
See also
XML to data model transformations