Customizing the metamodel > What you can do with USRPROPS/SAPROPS > Layout capabilities > Grids, list boxes, and text boxes > OneOf list boxes
OneOf list boxes
A one-of list box provides a list box that enables the user to select one, and only one, of a list of definitions of a certain type. The definition referenced must have been defined already in SAPROPS.CFG or USRPROPS.TXT. As new definitions of this type are added to the encyclopedia, the list of choices grows.
List "IDEF3 Object Type"
{ Value "Agent"
Value "Affected"
Value "Created"
Value "Destroyed"
Value "Participant"
PROPERTY "Object" { ZOOMABLE EDIT OneOf "IDEF3 Object" }
See also
Grids, list boxes, and text boxes