Customizing the metamodel > What you can do with USRPROPS/SAPROPS > Layout capabilities > Grids, list boxes, and text boxes > Zoomable list boxes
Zoomable list boxes
A zoomable text or list box contains a button control in its lower right corner that enables the box to be expanded or contracted by the user, to reveal more or less of its contents. The button control has a plus sign in it when the box is not zoomed, and a minus sign when it is zoomed.
To create a Zoomable Text or List Box, the ZOOMABLE command is applied to a text or list box property.
Example 1: Zoomable Text Box, Default Length
DEFINITION "Process" { PROPERTY "Description" { ZOOMABLE } }
Example 2: Zoomable Text Box of Specific Length
PROPERTY "VB Constants" { ZOOMABLE EDIT Text LENGTH 32767 LABEL "Constants" HELP "Constants local to this class"}
Example 3: Zoomable OneOf Box
PROPERTY "Object" { ZOOMABLE EDIT OneOf "IDEF3 Object" }
Example 4: Zoomable ListOf Box
PROPERTY "Fields" { ZOOMABLE EDIT ListOf "Data" LENGTH 2000 }
See also
Grids, list boxes, and text boxes