Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Adding and changing properties of diagrams
Adding and changing properties of diagrams
To add more properties for a diagram, use the following syntax.
DIAGRAM diagram_type {
PROPERTY-1 property_name { property_value }
[ PROPERTY-2 property_name { property_value } ] ...
The default property of all diagrams is Description. Description is defined as a text field 4074 characters. This text field can be increased.
Adding the following statements to USRPROPS.TXT adds the following properties to the Diagram Properties dialog box for the UML Class Diagram:
PROPERTY "Version number" { EDIT Numeric LENGTH 2 }
PROPERTY "Freeze date" { FREEZE Date }
PROPERTY "Freeze time" { FREEZE Time }
PROPERTY "Frozen by" { FREEZE AuditId }
PROPERTY "Notes" { EDIT Text LENGTH 4000 }
See also
Diagrams: Creating and modifying