Customizing the metamodel > Symbols: Creating and modifying > Depicting a symbol with an image > Displayable properties for symbols depicted by a bitmap or metafile
Displayable properties for symbols depicted by a bitmap or metafile
You can specify up to 37 properties to display on a symbol using the DISPLAY keyword. This is also true with symbols depicted by external bitmaps.
When a symbol is depicted by a bitmap or metafile, System Architect treats the bitmap or metafile as it does any other symbol, enabling the user to display the symbol’s name and up to 36 other displayable properties on the symbol (total of 37). The area in the symbol where System Architect puts this text is a rectangle, centrally inside the symbol, with a width of 70% of the symbol’s width and a height of 70% of the symbol’s height.
The area of the metafile where text can be displayed can be modified by using the BORDERS command. BORDERS enables you to specify internal borders of metafile symbols, thereby enabling you to display text in a metafile symbol: the borders create an internal rectangle in which text can be displayed. You specify the internal border of the symbol’s depiction as percentages of its width and height.
You can also move the name and/or graphic comment outside the symbol by using the Text Position dialog (Format > Symbol Format > Text Position). If you still can not see the displayable properties after using BORDERS, and moving the name and graphic comment outside the symbol, try using another bitmap or metafile.
Note Object symbols are designed not to have displayable properties. Therefore you should not depict a user symbol like “Object” IN “Sequence”, if displayable properties are requested.
See also
Depicting a symbol with an image