Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > #IFDEF
#IFDEF switches on commands in USRPROPS.TXT based on whether the clause in quotes after the IFDEF command has been turned on in the Property Configuration dialog.
The Property Configuration dialog (Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration) modifies the SADECLAR.CFG file in an encyclopedia. It is the SADECLAR.CFG file that is actually checked when the IFDEF statement is evaluated as SAPROPS.CFG is parsed.
This command must end with a #ENDIF statement.
In the following example, the “ORGUNIT” definition type contains the properties specified only if Business Enterprise is turned on in the Property Configuration dialog (Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration). If you fill in values for these properties and then turn off Business Enterprise, the values remain in the definition of “ORGUNIT” in the repository, but they are not shown in the definition dialog since the property set is turned off.
#ifdef "Business Enterprise
PROPERTY "RowDefinition"
{ KEY EDIT OneOf "Organizational Unit"
RELATE BY "is part of" ReadOnly
LABEL "Organizational Unit"}
PROPERTY "ColumnDefinition"
{ KEY EDIT OneOf "Organizational Unit"
RELATE BY "is part of" ReadOnly
LABEL "Organizational Unit"}
PROPERTY "Description"
{ EDIT Text LENGTH 255 HELP "Appears in the cell of a matrix" }
PROPERTY "Intersection?"
{ EDIT Boolean LENGTH 1 }
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS