Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > ASGRID
The ASGRID command displays a LISTOF property in a table or grid. ASGRID must have an Edit Type that is ListOf.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Definition "Use Case"
PROPERTY "Use Case Steps"
{ EDIT COMPLETE ListOf "Use Case Step"
KEYED BY { "Package", "Use Case Name":Name, Name}
Using ASGRID with keyed definitions
Key properties of a definition are not shown in a grid formed by an ASGRID command. In the example above, each Use Case Step’s package name or Use Case name is not shown in the grid.
Limitation of ASGRID
You cannot use ASGRID in a LISTOF that refers to a definition that is in a COMPLETE ListOf in another definition. For example, you can add a ListOf.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS