Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > ASSIGN
The ASSIGN command assign new or existing (symbols that already exist in another diagram) symbol types to new or existing diagram types.
SYMBOL symbol-type-name
[IN diagram-type-name1] { ASSIGN [TO] diagram-type-name2 [EMBEDDEDBY] }
ASSIGN symbol-type-name
[IN diagram-type-name1>] [TO] diagram-type-name2 [EMBEDDEDBY]
The EMBEDDEDBY clause indicates, for relationships, that instead of offering a line to draw, the relationship is created by arranging the related node symbols inside one another. The from end of the relationship is the embedded symbol.
Example 1
SYMBOL "Organizational Unit" IN "Organization Chart"
ASSIGN TO "Enterprise Direction"
Example 2
ASSIGN "Organizational Unit" IN "Organization Chart" TO "Enterprise Direction"
See also
Assigning symbols to diagrams
Keywords for USRPROPS