Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > AUTOCREATE
The AUTOCREATE keyword is obsolete and has been deprecated, because related definitions are now created automatically.
The AUTOCREATE command creates a definition behind the value that has been specified in a property, when you click OK to close the containing dialog. If you do not use the AUTOCREATE keyword, the value entered into a property is undefined after you click OK to close the containing dialog.
In the following example, the definition dialog of a Physical Database definition contains a property called “Project Data Model”. If you put a value in this field (for example, “Reservations”), and then click OK to close the Physical Database definition dialog, the “Reservations” Project Data Model definition is created in the encyclopedia.
DEFINITION "Physical Database"
{ ...
{ KEY EDIT ONEOF "Project Data Model" AUTOCREATE RELATE BY "is keyed by" READONLY }
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS