Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > DISPLAY
The DISPLAY keyword causes the property and its value to be displayable on the symbol. Values can be displayed as KEY, NONKEY, LIST or STRING (default).
Note The use of the BORDERS keyword is required to define a text region for presentation of text when a depiction is presented for a symbol.
Format of the DISPLAY statement
{ FORMAT [ String | List | ListNameOnly | Key | NonKey | COMPONENT_SCRIPT | COLUMN_SCRIPT | SCRIPT ] LEGEND "text" }...
FORMAT keywords
Displays the values of the property on the symbol exactly the way they are typed. See STRING for an example.
Displays items on the symbol in a list: each whitespace character causes a new line, unless the whitespace falls in double quotes. See LIST for more information.
Lists referenced items but only presents the name rather than presenting a qualified name where the referenced item has additional key properties.
Use this keyword for properties designated as keys. They are displayed in a separate section of the symbol. See KEY for an example and further information.
Use this keyword for non-key properties. They are displayed in a separate section of the symbol. This keyword was originally used for entities and tables in System Architect’s data modeling support. See NONKEY for an example.
Calls a script written in SA/Basic. The component scripts are used for ListOf and ExpressionOf; the action taken by the script works against each item in the list. For an example, see attributes and operations in the definition of a Class in OMT.
Works like COMPONENT_SCRIPT, calling a script written in SA/Basic. The column scripts are used for the behavior of columns in tables in a physical data model. The action taken by the script works against each column in the list.
Calls a script written in SA/Basic. The script is used for properties that are neither ListOf nor ExpressionOf. A Script takes the value of a property and performs an action, usually to create a particular kind of annotation. For example, see the definition of a Class for OMT object-oriented analysis. Both the property constraint and the property abstract use a script.
Dividing the properties with LEGEND
Each property is divided by a line with a label, or legend. You can optionally supply a LEGEND to appear on the dividers. If a LEGEND is not supplied, the property name itself is the label. A line with no legend is produced by using the value " " (two double quotes surrounding a space). You can force no line to appear by using the value "None".
In the quotes after the LEGEND keyword, specify how the block is labeled in the symbol, using one of these:
LEGEND "text"
The text in the quotation marks will be displayed on the symbol above the entry, only if there is a value for the entry.
Displays a straight line without any words, only if there is a value for the entry.
Displays a horizontal line above the entry on the symbol. This line acts as a divider. The "$$FORCE$$" keyword is different than using " ", because it forces display of a horizontal line even if the property display is suppressed through the display mode dialog.
Does not display a horizontal line above the entry on the symbol, whether or not there are values for the entry. This line normally acts as a divider.
Lays out properties from left to right inside symbols, and draws vertical lines between them. See VFORCE.
Lays out properties from left to right, but does not provide a dividing line. See VNONE.
DEFINITION "Organizational Entity"
{ PROPERTY "Incumbent Name"
{ EDIT Text LENGTH 100 HELP "Name of person currently in position"
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS