Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > LISTONLYCOMBO
LISTONLYCOMBO displays a dropdown list no matter how many LIST values there are. In addition, the user cannot type in their own values to the list.
The LISTONLYCOMBO keyword provides functionality that the LIST command does not: when using the LIST command, System Architect displays a list as a list of checkbox choices if the number of values in the LIST statement is four or less. If the number of values is five or more, the list is displayed as a dropdown list. To have a dropdown list but only have four or less LIST values, use the LISTONLYCOMBO keyword.
In the following example, the list is provided in the Use Case Step definition dialog as a dropdown list even though there are only three values in the List statement. If you had used the LIST statement, the values would have been shown as toggle boxes, because there are less than five of them.
List "Importance"
Value "Mandatory"
Value "Strongly Desired"
Value "Should Have"
Definition "Use Case Step"
PROPERTY "Importance"
LENGTH 20 DEFAULT "Should Have"}
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS