Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > READONLY
READONLY specifies that a property is readable but not modifiable. READONLY is used in SAPROPS for properties whose value is inserted by the software, but should be visible to the user. It is always used for Initial AuditId, Date and Time, and Update AuditId, Date and Time. Relation lines, constraints, and other lines linking symbols, where the From and To symbols of the line are significant, are always READONLY.
SYMBOL "Link" IN "Booch (94) Object"REM "defined by Object Link"
PROPERTY "From Class"
{ EDIT OneOf "Class" READONLY }
PROPERTY "From Object"
{ EDIT OneOf "Object" KEYED BY {"Class":"From Class", Name} READONLY }
{ EDIT OneOf "Class" READONLY }
PROPERTY "To Object"
{ EDIT OneOf "Object" KEYED BY {"Class":"To Class", Name} READONLY }
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS