Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > RETAIN STYLE
The RETAIN STYLE keyword specifies that user-provided metafiles retain their original graphical style and coloring when used in System Architect. This keyword is used with the DEPICTIONS clause.
When you use external, user-provided images to represent symbols on a diagram, the default behavior is that you can specify features of these symbols, such as the fill color and line color, as you would with any other symbol in System Architect. If you specify the RETAIN STYLE keyword in the DEPICTIONS clause, the colors of the user-defined symbol remain as they are: unchangeable.
System Architect does not support a depiction style other than RETAIN STYLE for SVG images.
In the following example, FIREWALL.WMF can be used to depict a node symbol on a Deployment diagram if the node’s stereotype is set to "Firewall". When drawn on the diagram, the user-provided metafile, FIREWALL.WMF (added by the user to the FILES table of the encyclopedia’s database), is drawn with the same colors as it is outside of System Architect, and it cannot be changed by System Architect’s color tools.
LiST "Node Stereotypes"
Value "Client"
diagram images\client.wmf
menu images\client.bmp }
Value "Database"
diagram images\database.wmf
menu images\database.bmp }
Value "Firewall"
diagram RETAIN STYLE images\firewall.wmf
menu images\firewall.bmp}
SYMBOL "Node" in "Deployment" {
PROPERTY "Stereotype"
{ INVISIBLE EDIT Text ListOnly List "Node Stereotypes"
{ PROPERTY "Stereotype"
{ EDIT Text LIST "Node Stereotypes" Default "" LENGTH 32 }
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS