Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > UPDATE
UPDATE is an allowable field type which indicates that the system automatically updates the field when the property is changed. It is used by default for Audit ID, Update Date and Update Time.
The UPDATE keyword provides the same information that the LAST CHANGED keyword provides. Both specify the last time that a definition was changed: meaning that someone opened up a definition dialog, made a modification (‘dirtied’ the definition in some way, such as adding a space or deleting a letter in one of the properties, or removing a letter and then adding the letter back), and then clicked the SAVE button to save the change. If a user opens a definition dialog and does not touch anything, and clicks SAVE, then the definition was not changed (not ‘dirtied’), and it is not considered a change.
Note When a definition is opened by a user it is ‘locked’ temporarily by that user. If they do not make a change and either Save or Cancel out of that definition, they have not changed the definition and the LAST CHANGED or UPDATE properties will not know about them. However, System Architect internally tracks who last ‘locked’ a definition. This Last Locked information is not available to you through USRPROPS keywords.
Starting in System Architect V9, LAST CHANGED AUDITID, LAST CHANGED DATE, and LAST CHANGED TIME are provided by default in the Access Data tab of each diagram or definition dialog. This is hardcoded; in other words, you will not find the LAST CHANGED keyword in each definition in SAPROPS.CFG, nor do you need to add it to USRPROPS.TXT for new diagram or definition types that you create.
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS