Customizing the metamodel > Metamodel graphical editor > Creating user definition chapters
Creating user definition chapters
To add your User Definition Properties to the User Definition Type, you must create a User Definition Chapter. The Chapters indicate that these User Definition Properties belong to the User Definition Type.
To create a user definition chapter
1 Perform one of these actions:
In the Explorer, right-click the Definitions group, and then select New Definition.
Click Dictionary > New Definition.
2 Select User Definition Chapter, and then specify a name for it. The example below uses “Book Information”.
3 Under the User Definition Type property, click Choices. Drag in the User Definition Type, such as Book.
4 Under the Properties tab, click Choices.
Drag in each User Definition Property that you want to appear in the User Definition Type. In the following example, all the User Definition Properties that were created for the User Definition Type called Book have been selected.
User DefinitionChapter definition
5 Click OK.
See also
Adding a user definition chapter to a user definition type
Metamodel graphical editor