Customizing the metamodel > What you can do with USRPROPS/SAPROPS > Layout capabilities > Grids, list boxes, and text boxes > Defining a LIST of values > Syntax of the LIST definition
Syntax of the LIST definition
A list definition starts with the keyword LIST, followed by a string (the argument) that is the name of the list. Names with embedded spaces must be bounded by double quotes.
The LIST definition is bracketed by opening and closing braces { } or with the BEGIN...END structure.
In the brackets, specify the values of the list, each indicates by the VALUE keyword. If a value contains spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks.
LIST list_name
VALUE value_name_1
VALUE value_name_2
Example 1
List "Method Stereotypes"
VALUE "Stereotype with embedded spaces"
PROPERTY "Stereotype"
{ EDIT Text LIST "Method Stereotypes" Default "" LENGTH 30 }
Indentations and new lines are used only to enhance readability, and have no meaning to the USRPROPS.TXT processor other than to act as white space separators between strings. The above example could be written like this:
LIST "Method Stereotypes" { VALUE get VALUE let VALUE set VALUE "Stereotype with embedded spaces" }
This format is acceptable to System Architect, but it makes maintenance of the USRPROPS.TXT file more difficult, and should be avoided.
Example 2
In the following example, one of the arguments contains a space character, so it is put in double quotation marks. You can optionally bound all other values by double quotation marks.
List "Visibility"
{ Value "implementation only"
Value exported
Value imported
Value private
Value public }
Definition "Class"
{ PROPERTY "Visibility"
{ EDIT Text LIST "Visibility" LENGTH 20
LABEL "Visibility/Export control" }
See also
Defining a LIST of values