Customizing the metamodel > Specifying properties for diagrams, symbols, and definitions > Specifying properties for diagram types
Specifying properties for diagram types
The default property of all diagrams is Description. Description is defined as a text field 4074 characters. Diagram properties are those that you might want to set for an entire diagram, such as whether to display swimlanes (or pools) vertically or horizontally. A typical Diagram Properties dialog is shown below.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To add more properties for a diagram, use the following syntax:
DIAGRAM diagram_type
PROPERTY-1 property_name { property_value }
PROPERTY-2 property_name { property_value }
PROPERTY-3 property_name { property_value }
For example, adding the following statements to USRPROPS.TXT modifies the Diagram Properties dialog box for the Business Process diagram type, as shown in the picture that follows:
DIAGRAM "Business Process"
CHAPTER "My Properties"
PROPERTY "My Property" { EDIT Text LENGTH 1200 }
Revised Diagram Properties dialog
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Specifying properties for diagrams, symbols, and definitions