Customizing the metamodel > Using ListOf, OneOf, and ExpressionOf
Using ListOf, OneOf, and ExpressionOf
The ListOf, OneOf, and ExpressionOf keywords specify that a property of a definition references another object type: Diagrams, Symbols, or Definitions. This concept used throughout the System Architect's metamodel.
For example, you can say that a class contains a list of methods (ListOf command), or a message between two objects references a method in the calling object (OneOf command), or that a process expresses procedures performed on data (ExpressionOf).
Note As with any keyword specified in USRPROPS.TXT, the case of the ListOf, OneOf, or ExpressionOf keywords is unimportant. This manual uses all capitals for all keywords, except in this section, because ListOf, OneOf, or ExpressionOf are more descriptive of these keywords than the `uppercase versions, LISTOF, ONEOF, and EXPRESSIONOF.
See also
ZOOMABLE command
Introduction to extending metamodel with USRPROPS