Customizing the metamodel > Modifying the look of dialogs > Creating tabs with the CHAPTER command
Creating tabs with the CHAPTER command
The CHAPTER command can be used to control the contents of a dialog page, and to produce a tab. If there is more information than display in a tab, it creates multiple pages.
The Model Object dialog showing two pages for the Definition tab
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Syntax and positioning of CHAPTER command
To create a tab, use the CHAPTER command and specify the name of the tab as an argument (using double quotes around the name if there are embedded spaces). The CHAPTER command does not require opening and closing braces, { }, or a BEGIN .. END statement block.
CHAPTER Name_of_Tab
CHAPTER "Name of Tab"
All properties listed in the specification after the CHAPTER command fall in that CHAPTER (or tab), until the next CHAPTER command occurs. The CHAPTER command can be put at any point within a diagram, symbol, or definition specification of USRPROPS.TXT, except within a GROUP block.
Note CHAPTER is used for this command instead of TAB, because TAB has always had a different meaning in USRPROPS.TXT (it is used in the LAYOUT command).
The following rules are in effect for the CHAPTER command:
A property added through USRPROPS.TXT without a CHAPTER command is placed at the end of all definition property statements, and, therefore, on the last page of the last “Definition” tab making up the definition dialog. (A definition can contain one or more tabs of information tied to the symbol, which come at the very end of the definition dialog. The first of these “symbol” tabs is often named “Symbol”, but can be changed to another name. The symbol tabs appear only if you open the definition dialog of a symbol on a diagram; if you open a definition from the explorer, they do not appear.)
You can add a property to an existing tab called out in SAPROPS.CFG by re‑specifying the tab with a CHAPTER command in USRPROPS.TXT. Properties that you add are put at the end of that tab in the dialog.
Tabs for new CHAPTER commands that you add to existing Diagram, Symbol, or Definition specifications are placed at the end of the dialog, after all pre-existing tabs.
If a GROUP command is required, it must be nested inside a CHAPTER command.
See also
Using the LAYOUT command in a CHAPTER
Modifying the look of dialogs