Customizing the metamodel > Hiding standard entries in the property set CFG files
Hiding standard entries in the property set CFG files
You can hide or make invisible properties by using USRPROPS.TXT.
The question often arises as to what happens when you hide a property for which information has already been entered into the encyclopedia. For example, assume that you have added data elements to the encyclopedia, and have supplied the responsible business areas for each element in the Business Unit property. But half way through the project, it is decided that Business Unit is no longer needed. All you have to do is change the property Business Unit to an invisible, or hidden, property, through a modification in USRPROPS.TXT; it no longer appears in the data element definition dialog.
DEFINITION "Data Element"
PROPERTY "Business Unit" { INVISIBLE }
When you were entering Business Unit values, they were added to the encyclopedia. The modification to the encyclopedia's metamodel makes the Business Unit property disappear from the data element definition dialog, but it does not delete previous entries of Business Unit information. If you remove the code above from USRPROPS.TXT, the Business Unit property reappears in the data element definition dialog, and the values previously entered reappear in their respective data element.
Deleting property information
This task is optional. It is necessary only if you want to regain the memory space used by the excess values.
1 Select Dictionary > Export Definitions. Select to export data element definitions in CSV format to a text file.
2 Open the CSV text file in an external editor such as Excel, and delete the column with the unwanted information (in the case above, it would be titled Business Unit).
3 Select Dictionary > Import Definitions. Re-import the CSV file using the delete all fields, and then add new data option.
See also
Introduction to extending metamodel with USRPROPS