Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > DEPICT LIKE > RoadmapV2
RoadmapV2 displays a roadmap chart in a symbol.
Graphic one of five depicting a roadmap chart within a symbol
Property set:
symbol "My Roadmap"
depict like "RoadmapV2"

defined by "Description"
property "Start" {edit date label "Start Date"}
property "End" {edit date label "End Date"}
property "Contents" {edit heterogeneouslistof all_types}
property "TimePeriodProperties" {edit text help "One line per property name" default "TimePeriods" invisible}

Property "Interval Number" { Edit Numeric Length 2 }
Property "Interval Unit"
{ Edit Text ListOnly List "Interval Units" }

definition "Application Component" // or whatever item-type definition you want to present
chapter "Roadmap"
property "Roadmap-Color"
{ edit color }
property "TimePeriods"
{ edit listof "Application Component Time Period" keyed by {Owner:Name, Name:*} asgrid}

definition "Application Component Time Period" // or whatever timeperiod-type definition you want to present
property "Owner" {key edit oneof "Application Component" readonly browser {show}}

chapter "Roadmap"
property "Start" {edit date label "Start Date"}
property "End" {edit date label "End Date"}
property "Milestone1" { edit date label "Milestone Date" }
/* more milestones can be added, just use Milestone2 and so on but
the number must be contiguous with what went before for example, 1,2,3 not
property "Color" { edit color }
The keyness of the time period-type definition is not important, but it must be consistent with the reference property in the item-type definition.
Graphics two and three of five depicting a roadmap chart within a symbol
Graphics four and five of five depicting a roadmap chart within a symbol
Items are in bold text and have a bar with arrows pointing to the start and end date computed from sub-item date ranges and milestones.
Sub‑items are presented with a bar from the start date to the end date along with an optional milestone indicator. Bars are only presented if end date is greater than start date and within the timescale presented. Milestones are presented if any part is in the timescale with presentation restricted to the timeline area of the symbol.
The date range presented in the symbol is set by the symbol properties. This defaults to the first day of the current year to the first day of the next year, and showing an interval line for each month. A margin is added to the date range selected.
A truncation indicator is shown at the bottom of the sub-item list if the list is incomplete due to the size of the symbol.
The symbol can be stretched to control the area covered and increase font size for 'other text' to increase the vertical area covered by each item and sub-item.
Pen, font and fill settings are used when presenting the symbol with the following exceptions:
Bar and milestone fill colors are determined by the 'Color' property with 'No Color' forcing the use of white.
Bar and milestone and item and sub-item separator lines are always drawn with the minimum pen thickness and a grey color.
See also
AND connector
Generic Line
Generic Line No Name
Generic Node
Generic Port
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