Customizing the metamodel > Keywords for USRPROPS > DRAW_MENU
The DRAW MENU keyword specifies submenus for the Draw menu and toolbar.
DIAGRAM "type name or number"
DRAW_MENU "caption"
Usage notes
Up to six levels of menu are supported.
Captions of menus must be unique. If you need to duplicate captions, append either tab or new line character sequences inside the bounding double quotation marks.
Include an & character in the caption to nominate the following character as a shortcut key.
DIAGRAM "AV-01 Overview and Summary (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL_SEQ "strict"
DRAW_TOOL "Activity (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "ArchitectureHas (DM2rx)"
DRAW_TOOL "Process" in "Data Flow Gane & Sarson"
DRAW_MENU "sub &1"
DRAW_TOOL "Location (DM2)"
DRAW_MENU "sub 2"
DRAW_TOOL "ArchitecturalDescription (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "Organization (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "Rule (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "Rule (DM2)"
DRAW_MENU "sub &3"
DRAW_TOOL "Location (DM2)"
DRAW_MENU "sub 2 "
DRAW_TOOL "Organization (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "ArchitecturalDescription (DM2)"
DRAW_TOOL "Rule (DM2)"
See also
Keywords for USRPROPS