Getting started > Getting started with System Architect > Getting started: Creating diagrams > Reusing information from encyclopedias
Reusing information from encyclopedias
You can reuse information that already exists within the encyclopedia to create a diagram.
In this example, you will reuse a class definition that is in the Samples encyclopedia and put it on the diagram workspace. You can use two methods to do this.
Method 1
Use the in-place browser to select from classes that exist in this encyclopedia.
1 Right-click the diagram workspace, and then click Choices.
System Architect displays a list of items that can be drawn in a UML Class diagram: packages, classes, objects, and description notes. To display the properties of an item, right‑click it, and then click Details.
2 Drag the Reservation class Reservation [Reservation_System] [Class] (not the Reservations note) onto the diagram workspace.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To display the Reservation Class by its stereotype “Entity”, right‑click it, and then click Display as Class.
The symbol changes from a circle with a line underneath it to a regular class symbol with its attributes displayed. You can adjust the symbol to see the attributes that are included. If you open the definition Reservation, notice a property called Stereotype. This enables you to change what type of symbol this becomes, as well as the appearance. In another diagram, this symbol (Reservation) was depicted as an entity symbol.
Method 2
The second option is to drag a class from the Explorer onto the diagram.
1 Use the main Explorer to drag a class onto the diagram.
2 In the UML view, select the Reservation_System [Package]. Click + (plus sign) next to the Definitions selection to expand it, and then expand the Class selection to display a list of the classes that are in the encyclopedia.
3 Drag the Customer class onto the diagram workspace.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Setting drawing preferences
See also
Getting started: Creating diagrams