Getting started > Getting started with System Architect > Getting started: Creating diagrams > Drawing lines
Drawing lines
Creating diagrams in System Architect involves drawing symbols and lines on diagram. The lines determine the relationships between the symbols.
1 Select the Association line tool from the class diagram toolbar.
The pointer changes to a pen with a straight line next to it.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If you selected “straight – orthogonal” choice, there would be a lightning bolt next to the pen. If you selected “elliptical arcs”, there would be a curved line next to it.
2 Click the Customer class.
The + (plus sign) indicates that the line is connected to the symbol.
Move the pointer over the Travel Agent Class until + appears. Click the symbol to draw the line.
An Association line is drawn between the two classes, and if your view is close enough to read the text, the cursor waits on the line, enabling you to enter a name.
3 Type the name uses, and then press Enter.
4 To specify information about the association, open the definition of the association line by double-clicking it.
5 Select One or Many as the multiplicity on the Customer end of the association, and Zero, One or Many as the multiplicity on the Travel Agent “association end”. This means that a Customer can not use a Travel Agent, or use many Travel Agents, and a Travel Agent deals with one or more Customers.
6 Click OK to close the dialog box.
The multiplicity notations are drawn on the diagram, by each class.
7 Select File > Save Diagram, and then click File > Close Diagram.
Getting started: Generating reports
See also
Getting started: Creating diagrams