Integrating > Integrating with IBM Cognos > The ODS database > Retrieving encyclopedia data > Obtaining the encyclopedia workspace ID
Obtaining the encyclopedia workspace ID
To retrieve data from more than one workspace you need to provide workspace IDs. To get the workspace ID, use a REST URI in a web browser. The URI has this format:
protocol: http or https
server: Local or remote server where the SA REST Service runs.
database: SQL
database_instance: Database instance name. If the database instance is on a different computer from the SA REST, use:
computer_name + database_instance
ency: Encyclopedia name.
To get the encyclopedia workspace ID
1 Start your web browser.
2 In the Address field, enter your data. For example, for the Samples encyclopedia:
The above URI returns the information you need. As shown below, the Samples encyclopedia contains three workspaces: Root, WS_1, and WS_2. Each workspace also has an ID of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The ID number for encyclopedias without workspaces is 1, which is always the ID of the Root workspace.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Include the workspace ID for the encyclopedia in the command line, for example:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\SA-Cognos\SADataRetriever.exe /C "C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\SA-Cognos\Conf\MyServerName_MySQLServeInstanceName_Samples_ODS.xml" /W 1,3
See also
Retrieving encyclopedia data