Integrating > Integrating with IBM Cognos > The ODS database > Generating reports from System Architect > Configuring SAEM for SQL Server to access Cognos
Configuring SAEM for SQL Server to access Cognos
For each encyclopedia for which you want IBM Cognos reports, a System Architect user needs to use SAEM for SQL Server to configure the encyclopedia to point to the IBM Cognos server and port number.
To configure encyclopedias to point to the IBM Cognos server
1 Click Start > UNICOM Systems > UNICOM Systems Lifecycle Solutions Tools > System Architect > SAEM for SQL Server.
2 Connect to the server where the encyclopedia for which you want to generate reports resides.
3 Click List of databases on the server, and then select the encyclopedia database from which you want to generate reports.
This must be the encyclopedia for which you generated the ODS schema.
4 Click Tools, and then click Cognos Server Configuration.
5 Set the values for the Cognos sever configuration fields:
Cognos Server Name/IP
Enter the server name or IP address.
Port Number
The default port number is 8080 for Tomcat servers. Microsoft IIS servers might use different port number, such as 80.
6 Click OK.
The information entered is saved to the CognosServerInfo.xml file, which is stored inside the encyclopedia database. The presence of this file in an encyclopedia database enables the Cognos Reports menu under the Reports menu in System Architect.
See also
Generating reports from System Architect