Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > System Architect as a consumer > Configuring service providers
Configuring service providers
Servers run services that make their resources available for applications to access. In System Architect, you register servers as service providers and create collaboration links so you can link diagrams or definitions to the server resources.
For the servers you are registering, first obtain the following information from your network or systems administrator: Root Service URL, Consumer Key, and Consumer Secret.
1 Open the encyclopedia with the diagrams or symbols that you want to link to resources.
2 Click Tools > Service Provider Configuration.
3 If the System Architect REST Server has not been configured then click Configure. The System Architect REST Server Configuration dialog will be displayed:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Enter the values that describe the active System Architect REST Server:
Check if the REST Server supports SSL.
Hostname or IP
Type the name or IP address of the REST Server.
Port Number
Type the port number associated with the REST Server. The default is 8889.
Click OK to save any updated values.
4 Under the Servers Established group, click Add. The Register Service Provider dialog will be displayed:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Enter the corresponding values for the fields, and then click Register.
5 The Configure Service Provider dialog will be shown again.
Under the Collaboration Links section, click Add. The List of Service dialog will be displayed.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Click the Server field and select a server. The list of service providers on the server you selected are displayed. A sample list of service providers is shown in the figure above.
Click a service provider to select it and then click Add.
6 Click Close.
You can now link System Artifacts, such as diagrams or symbols, to the resources on the servers that you configured.
See also
System Architect as a consumer