Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > Configuring System Architect as a provider > Linking to IBM Rational resource providers > Linking IBM Rational Design Manager to System Architect resources
Linking IBM Rational Design Manager to System Architect resources
The integration between IBM Rational Design Manager artifacts, such as a model, and a System Architect diagram or definition provides traceability and enables impact analysis.
The following procedure describes how to link a model from IBM Rational Design Manager to a System Architect diagram. Before this process can occur, the encyclopedia that contains the artifact to link to must be associated with a project area.
1 In IBM Rational Design Manager, select a project.
2 Select a model from which to create a link.
3 Click the Links tab.
4 Click the Image Link arrow and click any link type (except External webpage). For example, click Import.
5 In the Add Link dialog box, click the Project field and make a selection. The projects that are displayed in the list are encyclopedias that have been associated for linking.
6 Log in to the project that you selected.
7 Click Browse. The Select Model Item dialog box contains System Architect artifacts.
8 Click Select Artifact and select Diagrams or Definitions.
9 Click Select Type, or enter a name in the Search by Name field.
10 Select the artifact in the Results field and click OK > OK.
The link that you created is now displayed under the Import heading. The Import heading represents the type of link that you created. Therefore, if you create multiple links of the type Import, those links are displayed under the same heading.
To view the properties for an artifact that you linked to, hover the cursor over the artifact.
See also
Linking to IBM Rational resource providers