Integrating > Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine > Working with System Architect > Generating encyclopedia metamodel
Generating encyclopedia metamodel
The metamodel is an XSD file that is used in Rational Report Publisher to populate the list of encyclopedia artifacts. In that tool, you can drag and drop artifacts from the list onto the document template. You need to create a metamodel whether you will access the encyclopedia as a live data source (with the System Architect REST Service) or use it as an offline data source (flattened XML file).
To generate the encyclopedia metamodel XSD file
1 In System Architect, click Reports > Report Server Manager.
2 Click Start Service. This starts the System Architect REST Service.
3 Select a Server type.
4 Enter the Server Name.
5 Click the Encyclopedia field and select an encyclopedia. The default port number is 8889. To change this value, click Show advance options to make your changes.
6 Select Encyclopedia meta model (XSD).
If you are generating an XSD file for the System Architect REST Service only, you do need to generate an XML file. Optionally, select Encyclopedia data (XML) to generate the XML file at this time. If you chose to do this, you also have to select a Workspace. For encyclopedias with no workspaces, select Root.
7 Click the Browse button to select a folder where the XSD file will be created.
The file name will take the encyclopedia name and append the XSD extension (for example, Samples.XSD).
8 Click Generate.
A confirmation dialog is displayed with the XSD path and file name.
9 Click OK to return to the Report Server Manager.
See also
Working with System Architect