Integrating > Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine > Working with System Architect > Generating encyclopedia data
Generating encyclopedia data
Since Oracle encyclopedias cannot be accessed live through the System Architect REST Service, you can create a flattened XML of the encyclopedia, for IBM Rational Publishing Engine to use as the data source instead. You can also generate XML files for SQL Server encyclopedias. The XML file does not contain diagram images.
To generate the encyclopedia XML file
1 In System Architect, click Reports, and select Report Server Manager.
2 Click Start Service. This starts System Architect REST Service.
3 Select a Server type.
4 Enter the Server Name.
5 Click the Encyclopedia field and select an encyclopedia.
6 Select Encyclopedia data (XML).
7 Click the Browse button to select a folder in which to create the XML file. The default file name is the encyclopedia name, with the XML extension (for example, Samples.XML).
8 Select a Workspace. For encyclopedias with no workspaces, select Root. Optionally, select Enable Logging and select a folder in which to create the log file.
9 Click Generate. A confirmation dialog is displayed with the XML path and file name.
10 Click OK to return to the Report Server Manager.
See also
Working with System Architect