Integrating > Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine > Reports for System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS > Overall workflow for generating SA-DOORS reports
Overall workflow for generating SA-DOORS reports
Populating the System Architect Process and Doors Requirements’ reports with data depends on the existence of links between Process symbols in System Architect and requirements in DOORS. The overall flow among the integrated products is as follows:
Create new or use existing requirements in DOORS.
Model Processes in System Architect.
Send Processes to Doors.
Link Process symbols to Doors Requirements.
Update System Architect with Doors Information.
From IBM Rational Publishing Engine, run reports and select runtime parameters, following the steps described in Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine.
Note You can only use IBM Rational Publishing Engine reports for the SA-DOORS integration when System Architect integrates DOORS 9.1 or higher, because IBM Rational Publishing Engine only integrates with DOORS 9.1 or higher.
See also
Reports for System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS