Integrating > Integrating with SAP Solution Manager > Importing a SAP Solution Manager project
Importing a SAP Solution Manager project
When you connect to the SAP Solution Manager, all SAP projects you can import are listed in the Select SAP Project to Import dialog.
The connection process detects if an SAP Project has already been imported into the current encyclopedia and informs you if another SAP Project already exists in the encyclopedia.
1 Connect to SAP Solution Manager: see Connecting to SAP Solution Manager.
2 Click the SAP Projects field and select a project.
3 Click Import.
During imports, a progress dialog is shown, with a Cancel option. The Cancel option does not cancel the entire import process. Instead, it stops the process while processing SAP hierarchy objects. System Architect does not remove the related SAP objects after you cancel an import. Objects left from a canceled import must be deleted manually.
See also
Integrating with SAP Solution Manager