SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > Home page functions > Last 10 Changed by Me
Last 10 Changed by Me
The Last 10 Changed by Me field presents the last 10 diagram, symbol, or definition instances that you modified. This list is provided on the Home page of System Architect XT if you have one of the default XML template files deployed.
Modifying the number of items displayed and properties of those items
All report components displayed on the main page of System Architect XT are controlled by the encyclopedia profile currently selected for the encyclopedia. This file exists in a System Architect XT directory on the server, so it must be changed by an Administrator of System Architect XT (a person who either has access rights to the server, or works in conjunction with a System Administrator to make changes to files on the server).
The number of entries displayed for the Last 10 Changed by Me section is controlled by the limit value in the Page Configuration File. The number of entries that you show will effect performance of the page loading time.
The properties displayed are a result of the report query statements included in the Page Configuration File, through Select statements (see example below).
Below is a section from the commercial.xml Page Configuration file. In the example you can see the report run can be modified as well as the number of entries displayed. The shipping version has the limit property set to 10 for performance.
<component name="rptLast10ByUser" type="Report" class="boxSmall right" header="LAST 10 changed by me" style="width:310px; height:240px" allowedit="y" limit="10">
FIELD "Formatted Last Change Date" { SOURCE PROPERTY "Last Change Date" LENGTH 10 TYPE DATE }
FIELD "Formatted Last Change Time" { SOURCE PROPERTY "Last Change Time" LENGTH 10 TYPE TIME }
Select Name, Type, "Formatted Last Change Date" legend "Last Change Date", "Formatted Last Change Time" legend "Last Change Time"
Where Class = Diagram, Definition
Where "Last Change Audit" = %SAXT_AUDITID%
Where "Formatted Last Change Date" >= %SAXT_LASTWEEK%
ORDERBY "Last Change Date" desc, "Last Change Time" desc
See also
Home page functions