SA XT for web access > System Architect XT > Working with diagrams > Diagrams overview
Diagrams overview
You can open and view any diagram created with System Architect or with System Architect XT. However, with System Architect XT, you can only create or edit Business Process and Organization Chart diagrams.
Diagrams that you create with System Architect XT are added to the encyclopedia into which you are logged, and they are accessible to the users of standard System Architect. Likewise, with System Architect XT, you can access any diagram type created or edited with System Architect, as long as you have appropriate access rights, as set by System Architect Catalog Manager.
The user interface presents a canvas with the same drawing toolbar symbols available in System Architect, plus others. The toolbar presents the generic toolbar options: the Rectangle, Doc Block, Text box, and so on. System Architect XT also presents a Refresh, a Close icon that are not shown in standard drawing toolbars in System Architect.
See also
Working with diagrams