Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > System Architect Catalog Manager users
System Architect Catalog Manager users
System Architect administrators
A System Architect Administrator is usually the person to manage catalogs. As the System Architect Administrator, you create a catalog for each server, assign roles and encyclopedias to users. Users can work on those cataloged encyclopedias. When you configure the catalog and set access control, SACM enforces access control, whether you are running the utility or not.
As an administrator, you can create encyclopedias from SACM, though a version of System Architect must be installed on the same computer as SACM. You can also grant the Administrator role to System Architect users for them to create and manage catalogs.
System Architect users
A System Architect user need not run SACM to work on cataloged encyclopedias. Opening an enterprise encyclopedia forces the product to check the catalog, which grants or denies you access to objects and commands based on the roles granted to you by the Administrator.
See also
System Architect Catalog Manager