Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Root nodes overview
Root nodes overview
The System Architect Catalog Manager window contains these nodes.
Encyclopedia permissions
Definition permissions
Diagram permissions
Macro permissions
Menu permissions
Lists all encyclopedias attached to the catalog currently. See Encyclopedia types for more information.
Contains a node for each role, including roles System Architect Catalog Manager installs by default (see Roles), and roles created by an Administrator. In turn, each role node contains these nodes:
Encyclopedia Permissions: Contains the encyclopedia that a user or group is related to.
Encyclopedias: Contains the encyclopedia that a user or group is related to.
Role Expressions: Contains user permission values for the current catalog.
Users & Groups: Contains all the roles assigned to a particular user, irrespective of the encyclopedia on which the role is played. However, if you expand a role node, you see an Encyclopedia node, which lists the encyclopedias on which the role is played.
Users & groups
Contains a node for each user and group. In turn, each user node contains these nodes:
Catalog Permissions: Contains user permission values for the current catalog.
Encyclopedias: Contains the encyclopedias that a user or group is related to.
Groups a member of: Contains the groups which the user is member of.
Roles: Contains all the roles assigned to a particular user, irrespective of the encyclopedia on which the role is played. However, if you expand a role node, you see an encyclopedia node, which lists the encyclopedias on which the role is played.
See also
System Architect Catalog Manager