Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Users & groups
Users & groups
A user is an individual with a name and an audit ID who can be assigned one or more roles on cataloged encyclopedias. A group works the same as an individual user, except that it contains multiple members. A role that you assign to a group is assigned to all members of the group. A group itself can be a member of a different group.
By default, for each catalog that you create, System Architect Catalog Manager creates one user and one group. The default user name is created by appending the network domain name with the Windows login name of the person who installs SACM (for example, DOMAIN_NAME\UserName). This user is given full catalog permissions, and therefore can create and destroy catalogs, attach, detach, create and destroy encyclopedias, create edit and delete users and roles.
The default group for each catalog is named “Everyone”. All users are automatically made members of this group, which has only read permissions to the catalog, which allows them to use the Catalog Manager to review their settings without being able to change anything.
See also
System Architect Catalog Manager