Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Getting started > Viewing objects
Viewing objects
In System Architect Catalog Manager (SACM), you can view related objects from the point of view of each of the related objects. Suppose you have a relationship between EncyclopediaX and User1. If you were to expand the top level Encyclopedias node, then expand EncyclopediaX, you would see a Users & Groups node. Beneath that node, you would see User1. This view would show the encyclopedia-user relationship from the point of view of the encyclopedia, that is, branching down from the root Encyclopedia node. Conversely, you can view that same relationship branching down from the User & Groups node (for example, the users point of view). To do that, you would expand the top level User & Groups node. Beneath that node, you can see User1, and beneath that you can see EncyclopediaX. Each of these methods provide a different point of view from which to see the same relationship.
See also
Getting started