Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Working with catalogs > Destroy a catalog
Destroy a catalog
Destroying a catalog deletes all catalog objects and the relationships among them. Access control ceases to be enforced on the server, and all encyclopedias are detached from the catalog and changed from type Enterprise to Professional.
It is recommended that you backup a catalog before destroying it. You can do so by exporting it to an .XML file. The exported file contains users and roles, though not the relationships between them, or between them and the encyclopedias. You can import and export the XML file to restore users and roles: see Import and export a catalog.
To destroy a catalog
1 Ensure no one is working on an encyclopedia attached to the catalog you intend to destroy.
2 Click the Catalog menu and select Destroy. The Destroy Catalog dialog is displayed.
3 Click the Specify the server type and select the server type.
4 Click the Specify the server name and select the server name.
5 Click OK.
6 A confirmation dialog asks if you are sure you want to delete the catalog. Click Yes to destroy or No to cancel.
See also
Working with catalogs