Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Getting started > Attaching encyclopedias to catalogs
Attaching encyclopedias to catalogs
Attaching an encyclopedia to a catalog makes it ready for you to assign it to users. There are two methods to attach an encyclopedia. From System Architect Catalog Manager, you can use the Attach Encyclopedia command. Also, when you create an encyclopedia from System Architect, you can make the encyclopedia available to others.
This task requires that the encyclopedia you want to attach has already been created.
To attach an encyclopedia in System Architect Catalog Manager
1 Right-click the Encyclopedias node and select Attach.
2 Click the Select an encyclopedia to attach list and select an encyclopedia.
Only encyclopedias that are currently not attached to the catalog populate the list.
3 Click OK.
The encyclopedia list displays the encyclopedias.
Note If you change access control settings for a workspace or its parent encyclopedia, you must reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to take effect.
To create and attach an Enterprise encyclopedia in System Architect
1 Click File and select Open Encyclopedia.
2 Click the New icon.
3 Click the Connection list and select a connection.
4 Enter the name for your encyclopedia in the New encyclopedia name field.
5 Click Enterprise encyclopedia.
With this command, the encyclopedia is displayed as a node under the Encyclopedias in System Architect Catalog Manager. Optionally, select Allow others to access this enterprise encyclopedia, which makes your newly created Enterprise encyclopedia display under the Encyclopedias node of the Everyone group in System Architect Catalog Manager.
See also
Getting started