Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > System Architect encyclopedia basics > Encyclopedia underlying structure > Encyclopedia tables
Encyclopedia tables
An encyclopedia database contains user and system tables. User tables contain the data objects that you work with, such as diagrams, definitions and relationships. System tables are generated by the database engines and are essential to create and maintain valid encyclopedias.
The list below are the user tables in SQL Server the encyclopedias.
A System Architect encyclopedia contains three class types:Diagram, Symbol and Definition. Each class is identified in the ENTITY table with a number, where 1 = Diagram, 2 = Definition and 3 = Symbol. Each instance of a class object is assigned a unique ID and other attributes such as Name, Audit and UpdateDate. The ENTITY table is updated as you add or remove encyclopedia objects.
Creates a unique record for each relationship between encyclopedia objects. Related objects are contained in columns ID1 and ID2, which use the object's ID number, as recorded in the ENTITY table. The relationship type is indicated by an ID number in the Relation column.
Each relationship uses two records to describe it. For example, consider one relationship between a diagram named Hotel Reservation and a symbol in it named Receptionist. That one relationship is recorded in the table by one record which reads, in effect, diagram contains symbol, and a second record that reads, symbol is contained in diagram. In a way, a relationship is recorded from each object's point of view, so that A contains B is one record, and B is contained in A is another record, even both records describe the same relationship.
Contains a record for each file that is part of the encyclopedia. These are non-database files that are part of the encyclopedia database, but that can be exported, edited with other applications, and then imported back into the database. For example, you can export the customization file USRPROPS.TXT, edit it with Notepad, and then import it back into the database, thereby customizing your encyclopedia. Attributes contained in the FILES table are Data, Date, Type, and Name which contains the path, filename, with filename extension. Non-database files include bitmap, metafile and text files, and are listed in the section below.
Contains the VersionRestriction record, which stores the version of System Architect used to create the encyclopedia database.
Contains the ID number that will be assigned to the next object created in the encyclopedia. That object will be ENTITY table. For example, if the last object created was assigned ID number 1000, the NextId column of the IDGENERATOR table will contain number 10001.
Keeps vital information about to help troubleshoot and repair database problems.
See also
Object type codes in ENTITY table
List of fields in an ENTITY table
Encyclopedia underlying structure