Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Creating and opening encyclopedias > SQL Server > Opening older or creating new encyclopedias
Opening older or creating new encyclopedias
The following information applies to creating new SQL Server encyclopedias or opening older SQL Server encyclopedias created with System Architect 11.3.1 or older.
System Architect creates users, of the type CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_USERS, to execute stored procedures that create views based on information calculated at run time. To enable these users to execute the stored procedures, the product also creates certificates for each of them to use. When they are created, the user names are appended with ‘CertUser' suffix as follows:
By default, the users are assigned random passwords, which are generated based on a GUID. However, if your local machine has the Windows password policy enabled, you need to add an entry to the SA2001.ini file to control the format of the generated password.
To control the format of the certificate password
1 Using your text editor of choice, open the SA2001.INI file, by default in:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserProfileName\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect
2 To customize the permissible password values, note the following information about the format and permitted symbols:
n or N = number
0-9 s or S = symbol from the permitted symbols
C = Capital letter A-Z
c (and default) = lower case letter a-z
3 Enter the following lines into the SA2001.INI file, adhering to the format and permissible symbols above.
PermittedSymbols=!£$%^&*()_+-={}[]:@;~#?/.>,<|\ PasswordFormat=CcnsCcns
If you do not specify permitted symbols, the default symbols are used, as shown above.
You can only use the symbols listed in the sample above.
If you do not specify a password format, a GUID-based password is used (which is the default behavior).
The maximum password format length is 128 characters.
The password is only used one time to create and manage the certificate; you are not required to enter the password after the certificate is created.
4 Save and close the SA2001.INI file.
5 Restart System Architect for the changes to go into effect.
See also
SQL Server