Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Diagrams > Creating, opening, changing, and deleting diagrams
Creating, opening, changing, and deleting diagrams
The process of creating and modifying diagrams in System Architect involves creating or opening a diagram of a specific type, drawing symbols and lines on the surface of the diagram, and adding definitions to each of the symbols and lines drawn.
Creating diagrams
1 Click File > New Diagram, or click the New Diagram icon.
2 Click the desired diagram type.
3 Type the name of the diagram, up to 80 characters, in the Name text box.
4 Click OK.
See also Adding a diagram.
Deleting diagrams
You can delete a diagram through the File menu or through the Explorer. Deleting a diagram will also delete the symbols on that diagram, but not the underlying definitions of those symbols. The definitions must be deleted separately.
To delete a diagram through the File menu
1 With the diagram open, select File, Delete Diagram.
2 In the System Architect Delete Options dialog, you can select Preview, or press Yes to delete the diagram without previewing.
Maximum drawing area of diagrams
The maximum drawing area of a diagram is 640 X 640 inches.
Maximum number of open diagrams
The maximum number of diagrams that can be open at any time in System Architect is 50.
Modifying diagrams
See Drawing in System Architect and Drawing options.
See also