Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Setting session preferences > Session options in the sa2001.ini file
Session options in the sa2001.ini file
The sa2001.ini file contains System Architect specific settings and information that defines styles and path statements.
When you select Tools > Session Options, the Session Options Editor opens. The editor is used to modify the sa2001.ini file. The description for each Entry is displayed in the lower portion editor dialog box, when the entry is highlighted.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To change more than one entry, scroll to the next one to be changed and type the new value. When finished, click OK.
Restart System Architect for your changes take effect.
The entries in the sa2001.ini file are case-sensitive, except for certain specific font names, such as the values for Font.
You can also modify the file directly by using the Edit sa2001.ini command, which is the MaxDrawArea command.
Note Updates to the file can occur while using various functions in the product: for example, each time you use the Encyclopedia Open command and enable Save.
The sa2001.ini file is created the first time that a setting is saved while you are using System Architect. Depending on the version of Windows installed, the file is created in different folders.
Windows 7 and later versions
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Telelogic\System Architect
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect\sa2001.ini
Windows Server 2003
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Local Settings\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect\sa2001.ini
See also
Setting session preferences