Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Setting default gradient fills for an encyclopedia
Setting default gradient fills for an encyclopedia
1 In SAEM, select the encyclopedia that you want to edit.
2 Select Query > New or (Ctrl+N) and paste in this text:
insert into saproperties (name,value) values ('UseAutomaticGradientFillsDefault','F')
(Replace the F with T to use gradient fills by default. If 'UseAutomaticGradientFillsDefault' is not set for an encyclopedia, the default value is assumed to be 'T')
3 Press F5 to execute the script.
4 Replace the text in the query with:
select * from saproperties
5 Press F5. Confirm that “UseAutomaticGradientFills” is listed in the table of properties and has the value F.
6 Select Tools > File Manager.
7 Locate the SAPRPxxx.BIN file and delete it. This is a cache file that is rebuilt when the encyclopedia is opened in System Architect.
8 Start System Architect and open the encyclopedia.
9 Create a new diagram. The default setting for the Use Automatic Gradient Fills diagram property reflects the setting entered for the UseAutomaticGradientFillsDefault encyclopedia property.
See also
Symbols and definitions