Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Drawing lines
Drawing lines
Line symbols usually connect from one rectangular symbol to another, although in some methodologies a line can connect from another line to a rectangular symbol.
In some methodologies, a line can end in “space”; that is, only one end is connected to another symbol. In other methodologies, such as data modeling, System Architect mandates that the line be connected at both ends. a ghost buster symbol is displayed until the line is connected to a symbol on both ends.
Selecting line style
To begin, before drawing any lines, you can select a line style. From the Format menu, select Symbol Format, Line. Select one of the two straight line types:
Elliptical arc
Curved line between symbols. Clicking the left mouse button while drawing the line will change the line shape from concave to convex to straight and will also allow you to change the direction of the line. This will create bend points in the line.
Straight, any orientation
Does not require bend points. You can add bend points by clicking the left mouse button while drawing the line
Straight orthogonal
To switch direction must have 1 or more bend points.
Drawing a straight line connecting two symbols
1 From the Toolbox select the line symbol you want to draw.
When a symbol drawing symbol is selected, the cursor changes to the draw mode indicator pencil shape. Next to the pencil, notice the lightening bolt, indicating the straight orthogonal line, or the straight, diagonal line, indicating the straight, any orientation type.
2 Place the pencil point inside the symbol from which you want the line to start. It is not necessary to try to start the line precisely on the side of the symbol; place it well inside the symbol and System Architect will make sure it is connected.
3 Click the mouse button one time. A movable handle in the shape of a cross (straight, any orientation) or a lightening bolt (straight orthogonal) appears on one side of the symbol.
4 Put the cursor in the target. Click the mouse button one time. If it is a straight orthogonal line type, the line bends as necessary in order to avoid lying on top of any other symbols.
Note To stop drawing a line before you have attached it at both ends to a symbol, press Escape. The line disappears and the cursor changes to a pointer shape. To begin another line, select the line symbol from the tool box again.
In some methodologies, there has to be a logical connection between the source and target symbols. If the target is not appropriate, a “do not do it” symbol appears on top of the pencil-shaped cursor to tell you that the connection cannot be made.
The Preferences dialog includes a relevant option: Fix line origin when creating lines.
See also
Symbols and definitions