Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Symbol icon indicators
Symbol icon indicators
System Architect provides a set of informational icon indicators that represent comments, child diagrams, and the truncation of a symbol.
These indicators are displayed above and inside the symbol being drawn on the diagram.
Appears above the symbol as a blue speech bubble.
Child diagram
Appears above the symbol as a pink downward arrow indicating that another diagram is attached to this symbol.
Appears as a downward chevron or arrow in the center of the symbol indicating that the symbol needs to be expanded to review all content.
Note You can change the informational indicators to be displayed as circle indicators resembling a traffic light as they were in prior versions of System Architect. Select Tools > Session Options > GraphicEffectsNewIndicators and specify N in order to display the indicators as circles. After making your selection, you must restart System Architect and reopen the encyclopedia in order for these changes to take affect.
You can also change the look of the indicators by customizing the wmf files that are being used.
See also
Symbols and definitions