Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Modifying the look of a symbol > Display Mode command
Display Mode command
Use the Display Mode feature to specify symbol properties.
The Display Mode feature is applicable for any rectangular symbol on any diagram, such as classes, entities, data stores, entities, processes, and external; and line symbols, such as associations, data flows, and relationships.
1 Select a rectangular or line symbol on a diagram.
The displayed settings are gathered from the stylesheet associated with the selected symbol. All settings are displayed regardless of whether they are currently enabled or disabled.
2 Right-click the symbol, and then click Display Mode, or click View > Display Mode from the main menu.
3 In the Display Mode dialog, enable any combination of properties to display on the diagram for that symbol type.
Symbol Type on Any Diagram
You can enable and disable any of the listed settings. Changes will apply to all diagrams of the same type.
Click Copy From to copy settings from other tabs. When prompted, select tab to copy and click OK.
Click Reload reload the original settings with the state which was last saved.
Symbol Type on This Diagram
Select from the list of settings in the stylesheet associated with the selected symbol. You can enable and disable any of the listed settings. Changes affect only the current diagram. Click Enabled to change the symbol settings.
Selected Symbols
Select from the list of settings in the stylesheet associated with the selected symbol. You can enable and disable any of the listed settings. Changes affect only the current diagram. Click Enabled to change the symbol settings.
Note Values defined on the Selected Symbols tab overrides values on the Symbol Type on This Diagram tab which overrides values on the Symbol Type on Any Diagram tab.
How do properties become displayable?
A property is declared 'displayable' in the SAPROPS.CFG file. Users can specify that properties become displayable by making necessary changes to the Rules for Editing USRPROPS.TXTfile of an encyclopedia.
For properties to display, you must have Display Definition properties toggled on. This toggle choice is available by selecting a symbol and choosing Format, Symbol Format, Text Display.
Auto Resize
Toggling on Auto Resize makes sure that the size of the symbol is always sufficient to display the properties. If Auto Resize is not on, truncation indicators might appear, indicating that the symbol is not large enough to display all available properties. To turn truncation indicators on or off see Preferences command.
See also
Modifying the look of a symbol