Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Modifying the look of a symbol > Working with stylesheets > Changing the stylesheet in the configuration of an encyclopedia
Changing the stylesheet in the configuration of an encyclopedia
You can set the default stylesheet for a new encyclopedia or re-configure an existing encyclopedia. When a new diagram is created it will have that particular style sheet attached to it.
1 Create a new encyclopedia by selecting File > New > New Encyclopedia Supply a name and click OK.
The System Architect Property Configuration dialog opens.
2 Select any and all options that you want to apply to the encyclopedia.
3 Click Browse in the Stylesheet property.
The Stylesheet Browser dialog opens with the available color styles and a preview window.
4 Select a style that you want for your encyclopedia. If you want all future encyclopedias to use the same stylesheet, then make sure the “Use this selection as the default for future encyclopedias” option is selected. Click OK.
5 Select Apply and OK in the System Architect Property Configuration dialog.
6 Reopen the encyclopedia for these changes to take affect.
See also
Working with stylesheets