Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Symbols and definitions > Defining symbols > Adding or modifying definitions
Adding or modifying definitions
In System Architect, a graphical symbol on a diagram contains a definition. Definitions also exist in an encyclopedia that are not represented by symbols (requirements, for example, or attributes, or methods).
There are a number of ways to modify a definition that exists in a project encyclopedia:
Definitions represented by symbols on an open diagram
If the definition is represented by a symbol on an open diagram (a table on a physical diagram, or a class on a class diagram, for example), select the symbol, and then do one of these:
From the Main Menu, select Edit, [selected object], or
Right‑click and select Edit from the drop-down list, or
Double-click the symbol.
Modifying definitions directly through Explorer
1 Use the Explorer to find the definition.
2 Open the definition by right‑clicking it and selecting Open from the drop-down list or simply double-clicking it.
See also
Defining symbols